SC240 Tablet Counter


The PPS SuperCount 240 is a high-speed tablet counter offering proven product feed technology with the latest in electronic controls and infrared count heads for extreme accuracy. These high-speed, multi-track counters can accurately handle all pill types as well as translucent and opaque products. Designed for ultimate product control, you can change recipes on the fly and easily teach the machine to learn to count a variety of differently sized products. Counters are available in various configurations including 12-track, 18-track, 24-track, and 36-track. All counters offer toolless changeover for efficiency and ease.


Pharmaceutical-grade, high speed counter for packaging soft gels, caplets, capsules, pills, opaque pills, and translucent pills. PallayPack’s PPS high-speed tablet counter is available in various configurations allowing the counting output to be maximized. Our 24-track counter is actually a quad 6 track. This is the same as having four 6-track counters respectively. The advantage of this design is that each set of 6 tracks can fill an individual bottle resulting in significantly faster output speeds.


  • 80-110 Bottles per minute*.
  • The “must-have” speed upgrade for existing tablet lines especially when running larger counts.
  • Robust mechanical design with toolless disassembly for cleaning.
  • Seamless flow without jams or blockages.
  • Fewer contact parts simplify cleaning.
  • Contact parts are designed to be easily removed without tools.
  • High-speed infrared sensors (count eyes) scan up to 34,000 times per second for an accurate count of all types of tablets, capsules as well as soft and hard gelatin capsules.
  • Integrated chip and dust extraction.
  • Validation documentation IOQ, 21 CFR 11 upgrade, and Data Acquisition (Factory 4.0) package available.
  • Simplified controls and HMI are user-friendly.
  • Up to 500 recipes can be saved for instant recall.
  • Product chutes feature telescoping designs to suit containers of different heights.
  • Different container indexing systems are available.
  • Optional PharmaLift bulk feeder.
  • Optional PPS Inspectis Vision System for Tablet Counter.
  • Optional vibratory funnels and product trap boxes for large products.

*Note…The first speed is based on 100 counts of size 0 capsules, second speed is based on the 30 counts of 8 mm tablets.

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